Dear People of St. Catherine’s,
First of all, a huge thank-you to all who helped to make our Advent and Christmas services beautiful: To our choir and to Cloud, our interim organist and choir director – thank you for all the beautiful music you brought to us in worship and the Christmas concert! To the altar guild – thank you for the beautifully decorated Narthex and Nave!! Thank you to all who helped with the Pointsettia tree, the Chrismon tree, and the hanging of the wreaths and greenery. Thank you to all the LEMs who served in December, and to the Readers for our Advent Lessons and Carols service. Thank you to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood who kept us well fed on those Sundays in December! Thank you to all the acolytes, especially those who came to TWO of the Christmas Eve services so that we could have a full complement of acolytes. Thank you to Rachel Rubottom, our Christian Formation coordinator, and to all the parents who helped the Children’s Christmas Pageant be as wonderful as it always is! Thank you to our faithful ushers and greeters. Thank you to Brenda who gets all those bulletins done! We had seven services in three days this year ( Dec 23, Dec 24, Dec 25 ). And thank you to all who attended these worship services.
January 2019. January brings a new calendar year and many of us make New Years’ Resolutions. I invite you, this year, to make a New Year’s Resolution with God – just between you and God. Then join us as we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on Sunday January 6th, the Baptism of our Lord on Sunday January 13th, and our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 27th. Remember this is ONE service at 9 a.m. ( no 8, 10 or 5:30 services that day) with the Annual meeting following in the parish hall with breakfast.
Epiphany is a season of Light. This year the season of Epiphany is especially long – we will have 9 Sundays to celebrate the season. Come and worship, and then let the Light of Christ shine through you into this world, which is in dire need of God’s healing, compassion, and love.
In Christ,
Mother Susan+
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM