St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church offers vibrant, traditional worship with an emphasis on the beauty and depth of our Anglican/Episcopal liturgical and musical heritage. Worship is at the heart of our life together and is an expression of the joy and love we share with one another and the wider world.
SUNDAY 8:00 AM HOLY EUCHARIST: A traditional spoken Rite I service of Holy Eucharist that is peaceful and prayerful, followed by coffee and the Rector’s Forum.
SUNDAY 10:00 AM CHORAL HOLY EUCHARIST: A sung Rite II Holy Eucharist with full choir. Hymns are from the 1982 Hymnal with some additions. We involve members of all ages in our vibrant, “broad church” style of worship. A full breakfast is typically served after this service.
SUNDAY 10:00 AM CHILDREN’S CHAPEL: Children’s Chapel offers an age-appropriate service for children aged 18 months to 8 years and is available at 10:00 AM. The children join their parents about halfway through the Choral Eucharist so that families can be together to receive Holy Communion.
WEDNESDAY 12:10 PM HOLY EUCHARIST and SERVICE OF HEALING: The weekly service takes place in the Chapel and includes the laying on of hands and anointing of the sick. Take a break in the middle of your week and come experience the Spirit in an atmosphere of prayer and peace.
FESTAL SERVICES: There are special services at Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. During Holy Week we celebrate the Triduum, which includes liturgies on Maundy (Holy) Thursday and Good Friday and culminates in The Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday evening. Additional services are held as befitting the liturgical season.