We are glad you’ve found your way here, and we welcome you to our website. St. Catherine’s is a loving and inclusive church community that values diversity and welcomes and affirms all people: whoever you are, you are welcome here! Here is a little bit about us… and we’d love to learn a little bit about you, too.

We are not a “big box” church — and we don’t want to be. With about 100 people coming each Sunday, we are a church that feels like family (in a good way!), a place where you will get to know people, and where you will be known… and loved and cared for.

St. Catherine’s doesn’t exist only for the spiritual good of our own members; we exist for the good of the world. Our ministries directly affect hundreds of people each month.

We are an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Southwest Florida. As part of the Episcopal Church, we are members of the Anglican Communion, the third-largest group of Christians in the world. As Episcopalians, we have both “Catholic” and “Protestant” elements in our church life; we like to think we represent the best of both worlds! We enjoy a living connection to the ancient wisdom and beauty of the early church, and also lovingly engage, and learn from, our modern world. As Episcopalians, we seek to balance Scripture, Tradition, and Reason/Experience. To learn more about the Episcopal Church, you can click HERE.

At St. Catherine’s, we are focused on:

  • learning to be disciples (apprentices) of Jesus,
  • making the world a better place, and
  • increasing our own sense of purpose, contentment, and joy through loving one another.

We strive to live into our Baptismal Covenant (the promises one makes when one gets baptized), which calls us to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as [ourselves]” and to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.”