The Holy Eucharist

We believe that when we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, Jesus is present with us in a tangible way. In the Sacrament we experience our union with Jesus by hearing the Word and feasting at the Lord’s Table. We celebrate the Holy Eucharist as Christians have done for two thousand years, and as Jesus invites us to do in the gospels. The Eucharist is central to who we are as Christians: it connects us with our past, it equips us for the future, and helps us find Christ in the present.

The climax of the Eucharistic liturgy is when we come to the altar and receive the Bread and Wine which have become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, thus strengthening our unity with Christ that we may be transformed to be Christ for the world.  When we engage the Eucharist, we “behold what we are, and become what we receive,” as St. Augustine said centuries ago. All baptized Christians are welcome to come to the altar and receive Holy Communion.