Dear people of St. Catherine’s,
It is hard to believe that I am coming up on the 5th anniversary of my call as your Rector! I began my ministry with you the second week of October, 2011. Many things have changed in the past 5 years at St. Catherine’s – beloved members have died, new people have become a part of our community, and many new ministries have begun.
Our Journey to Adulthood program for Jr. High and High School youth (Rite 13 and J2A) , the Seekers adult book study group, the Stewardship Committee, the Pastoral Care Ministry Team, the HOPE ministry team, The Wisdom Way of Knowing Group, and the Evening Prayer Teams all are new in this past 5 years. We have re-done the Chapel and added daily evening prayer at 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, led by trained lay people.
We have added a monthly Contemplative Evening Prayer service, and seasonal retreat days in Advent and Lent. We have created and run a week-long Fine Arts Camp for elementary school children for the past four years. All while carrying on the work of the pre-existing Commissions (Service, Worship, Education, Evangelism, Parish Life) and Committees (Finance, Buildings and Grounds) – each of which has their own list of accomplishments over this time period. We are blessed with active members and fine leadership. I am grateful to be in ministry with you here in this place!
We have so much to be grateful for at St. Catherine’s! God has richly blessed us, and we are called to share those blessings with the community and world around us. Here’s to the next five years of ministry together!
In Christ,
Mother Susan+
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM