Welcome to St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church! Wherever you may be on your spiritual journey, we are glad you are here. We are a diverse and loving group of people trying our best to follow the teachings of Jesus, and so we accept and love all people, with no exceptions… just as Jesus did. This is an open community where you can come as you are… and where God’s Spirit, and the love of one another, helps us come closer to all God imagines us to be.
There is so much at St. Catherine’s to enhance your life, deepen your walk with God, and vitalize your engagement with others and the world. Come and explore all that we offer, and feel free to reach out to anyone here (including me) to find out more. We’d love to learn about your story, your life, and your heart, and help you discern how St. Catherine’s fits into your journey. We hope you will make St. Catherine’s your spiritual home, and will find here the love, acceptance, and empowerment that we offer to all in the name of Jesus. May you be blessed, as you are a blessing!
In Christ,
Fr. James +
The Rev. Dr. James H. Reho, Fifth Rector