Dear People of St. Catherine’s,
I am delighted to tell you that I have hired Cloud Ssu-Yun Wang as our interim organist/choir director! Cloud is a wonderful musician who lives out her faith by sharing music with the people of God. We are blessed to have her with us, at least through February of 2019. We are continuing to take applications for the permanent position through January of 2019, and Cloud will be eligible to apply for this position. Cloud brings incredible musical skills and energy, as well as a wonderful spirit, to her work. Her first Sunday will be November 4th. Cloud had a few previous commitments but she will be with us most Sundays from now through the end of February!
This Sunday, November 4th, we celebrate The Feast of All Saints’. This is one of the major feasts of our Christian calendar. At St. Catherine’s we continue our tradition of hanging beautiful banners with the names of those who have died in the past year. ( Thank you to Carol Bechtel, Susan Gough, Libbet Jenkins, and all those who give their time and energy to this ministry of banners! ) Join us and add your silent prayers for all those in your life who have gone before into the greater life in God.
Sunday November 11th is our Ingathering Sunday. We are invited to bring our pledge cards, symbolizing our gifts of material support for God’s work in this parish, to be blessed on this day. We also will celebrate our patron saint, St. Catherine of Alexandria. This is a good day to wear red, or your St. Catherine’s T-shirt, if you have one, as the liturgical color is Red.
This month also brings our national celebration of Thanksgiving. Prayers for all who travel in this season, and for all who are grieving the loss of a family member.
The season of Advent begins the first Sunday of December. Advent invites us into a time of waiting, of listening for God’s voice in our lives. Advent is a time of preparation of our hearts for the celebration of the mystery of the Incarnation.
On Saturday December 1 I will lead an Advent Wisdom retreat day. There will be times of meditation, silence, scripture, sacred chants and material from the Christian Wisdom tradition. All are welcome. Cost is $20 which covers morning coffee, lunch and supplies. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
Let us give thanks for all of God’s many blessings, to us as individuals, and to this parish community.
In Christ,
Mother Susan+
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM