Mother Susan has asked that the Senior Warden make some comments moving forward as part of the Wheel in her absence. I will try to share with you in the coming weeks and months some of my thoughts. I will also include any activities or events that may significant to all.
Last month I talked about six of our Commissions/Ministries and the vision of how they serve our parish. This month I will talk about Evangelism. Our average attendance has been on the decline and only our congregation can change that recent trend. We will continue to talk about Evangelism and things we can do to not only put more folks in the pews on Sunday but to help fulfill our Mission Statement. “ ….. to share the Good News with all”. Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
According to available resources and data, the best and most effective way to get more folks to attend St. Catherine’s is through personal contact. According to an Episcopal website on Evangelism, (, three out of four people who are not currently connected to a church would say yes if asked to attend a service at our parish. So please ask a friend, relative or neighbor to attend a service at St. Catherine’s. We are a very welcoming parish and do make newcomers feel welcome and appreciated.
To paraphrase from an article found on the above mentioned website, there are familiar reasons for not inviting friends to church. Such worries as I am concerned over whether the sermon will be good and whether the music will be well chosen or if at the end of the day they are not interested. We all need reminders that this is not about me. Evangelism is not about inviting people to “my” church.
There is no way to control what people think of me or what will happen during service that day or whether my friends are open to starting a new journey. Evangelism is not so much about offering something that is ours to others as it is extending an invitation and getting out of the way.
The Evangelism Commission has begun a process to utilize Social Media more actively to get our message and activities out to the community. St. Catherine of Alexandria has both a Facebook Page and an Instagram Page. We ask those of you who use these two communication media to help us spread information about St. Catherine’s. We would ask that you like our Facebook Page and follow our page. When you receive a post from St. Catherine’s, please like and share with your Facebook friends so that more folks will see what is happening at St. Catherine’s.
Please do the same if you use Instagram. Our page on Instagram is stcathtt, please follow and share posts you see.
We have three parishioners plus Brenda who will begin to post information almost daily on these media, the more folks that view and share this information, the more wide spread our activities and events. Please share!!!
In this season of Lent and the upcoming Easter Season, lots of magnificent things are happening at our parish. Please share with your family and friends so that we might share the good news of Jesus with all.
Terry Bechtel
Senior Warden
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM