Dear People of St. Catherine’s,
First of all, many thanks are in order. The Buildings and Grounds folks, headed up by our Jr. Warden Rick Schultz, continue to work to beautify and update our facilities, as our budget allows. Take a look at the vesting room – now completed with new ceiling tiles and new, bright LED lighting. Thank you to Rick and all who helped him with this renovation, from an old “storage” room and a small vesting room into this wonderful, functional, beautiful space.
Thanks also to Frank Johnson, Sr. and all the folks involved in the Brotherhood ( and Sisterhood ) of Loaves and Fishes, who celebrated 30 ( yes, that’s right – THIRTY ) years of service in this parish. Frank himself has been in charge of this ministry for about 26 of those years. This ministry is a great gift to our parish. It allows for more time for fellowship each week after the 10 a.m. service as we sit and eat a hearty brunch together. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood will now be taking a much deserved summer vacation and will return the first weekend of September.
Thank you also to Tiffany Grant and her family and the Parish Life commission for leading our first ever BINGO night. About 50 folks attended and shared fun and food and fellowship, with just a BIT of competition.
See our Facebook page for photos of both the BINGO evening and the Brother/Sisterhood 30-year celebration dinner.
Next – an invitation to a spiritual practice for July that can deepen your experience of the Eucharist.
The Peace in our service is a time to share the Peace of Christ with others. This is usually done with a handshake, and “Peace be with you”. The function of The Peace liturgically is to put flesh on this scripture passage:
So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5:23-24 )
I invite you in the month of July to be more intentional about how you offer The Peace to others. It is not meant as a time to “catch up” with folks, have conversations, etc. It is meant simply to be a time to share the Peace of Christ with others, to further reconciliation in the world.
Important conversations and “catch up” with folks can happen before or after the liturgy.
First of all, if there is someone with whom you need reconciliation, and they are in the congregation, make sure to offer The Peace of Christ to them. If that someone is not present, try saying a prayer for them silently, and make a resolve to do something towards reconciliation later in the day.
I invite you to try this for the month of July, and reflect upon how this may change your experience of The Peace.
Finally, a big thank you in advance to Seth Jones and all the Evangelism commission and crew for their wonderful hospitality at the Fourth of July parade and picnic. Come ( early if you want a good seat – parade begins at 10 and people come early to park and set out chairs ) and join us on Wednesday July 4th!! Bring a side dish or dessert to share.
The Peace of the Lord be always with you!
In Christ,
Mother Susan+
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM