Notes from Your Senior Warden
St. Catherine of Alexandria Mission Statement: “To nurture each other in the knowledge and love of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and to share the Good News with all.
Mother Susan has asked that the Senior Warden make some comments moving forward as part of the Wheel in her absence. I will try to share with you in the coming weeks and months some of my thoughts. I will also include any activities or events that may significant to all.
This month I want to briefly describe some of our ministries and how we are organized to function in order to fulfill our Mission Statement and service to our Lord. I want to begin with a brief description of our six Commission/Ministries and the vision for the functions they serve in our parish.
SERVICE COMMISSION – “Ministers to those who are in need who are not members of St. Catherine’s.” This Commission generally serves as our voice in outreach to our community both locally and universally. This Commission typically meets the first Wednesday Evening of each month.
WORSHIP COMMISSION – “Serves as “Body of Advice” to our Rector and our ministries of worship. This commission advise the rector (Assisting Priest) on issues of worship including the music and Altar Guild. This Commission typically meets the first Wednesday Evening of each month
EDUCATION COMMISSION – “Plans, Implements and evaluates all Christian Education programs”. This Commission typically meets once per month after a 10am service. This Commission works with the Education Director on curriculum, special events and other education activities. This commission typically meets after a 10am service on Sunday.
EVANGELISM COMMISSION – “Ministry intended to bring new members to St. Catherine’s”. This commission will meet after a 10am service on Sunday. This ministry directs activities to attract new members including the website, printed material and events and activities to attract newcomers to our parish. They also minister to those parishioners who were one time members of our parish but have since left St. Catherine’s for any number of reasons.
PARISH LIFE COMMISSION – “Plans and executes fellowship for the members of St. Catherine’s”. This commission typically meets first Wednesday evening of each month. This commission plans activities and events to help celebrate our life here at St. Catherine’s.”
Posted in NewsletterTagged newsletterHOLY EUCHARIST
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM