Dear people of St. Catherine’s,
Thank you for your prayers, I have felt held in prayer during this time and that has helped immeasurably in the difficult process of treatment for cancer. Thank you for the wonderful cards and food which are helping sustain us through this time.
I am about halfway through with my chemotherapy treatments. The doctors are very happy with their effectiveness on my cancer cells – the main tumor has shrunk dramatically. After the chemo is done there will be a period of rest for my body to recover and heal before my surgery which should be in early June. During that break the doctors have ok’d a long-planned trip, to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary and my 25th ordination anniversary. (June 6 ordination to the diaconate, December 12 ordination to the priesthood ). This will be a supported walk on part of the ancient pilgrimage trail in northern Spain, the Camino Santiago de Compostelo. I may not be able to do much walking at all, but the spiritual nature of this pilgrimage is even more important now. I have been taking this entire journey with cancer as a pilgrimage. As Cynthia Bourgeault told me, “You are already on the Camino”. We will also visit Avila, where the great Spanish mystic Theresa of Avila was born.
My medical disability leave will continue at least into the early part of July, with recovery from surgery, and may go father if I require a course of radiation. At any event, I should be good to return to the parish September 1st as previously planned when I was to have a sabbatical instead of cancer treatment. You will have three primary priests covering the summer – The Rev. Sarah Shirley (May ) The Rev. Stephen Rudacille (part of June and all of August ) and The Rev. Ed Henley (July ).
I am blessed in knowing that you have wonderful lay leadership in your wardens, Terry and Lance, and in your Vestry and other leaders, and in The Rev. Alan Farabee, who was and is a gift from God to us in this time. I trust that All Shall Be Well, and that God will bring us back together in September.
Lenten and Easter Blessings to you all.
In Christ,
Mother Susan+
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